August 29, 2009

Comic-Con journey #3

Another report of the first day (Thursday).
After going to John K.'s panel, I planned to go to Munky King's art party with Marty.
While waiting Marty and his friends, I sketched the view from convension center.
(This is the photo, the sketch was only pencil work and uncompleted...)

And I waited at the front of Ralph's SuperMarket.
It was a little scared being lonely at the night.


At last, I met my friends and thanks to Matt, Marty's sharemate we arrived at the place.
The artparty was like these.
(Official announcement and photos are here.)

Munky King's mark was there.

two girls being Body-painted with loud music.

Other livepaintings

Oh! wow! I know him, drawing tiger!!
He's Carlos Ramos, I know him as an art directer of Nickelodeon's ChalkZone!! :D
What a great experience I watched his livepainting!!
I love his own works as well as his part of the cartoon.

Though I couldn't talk to him (I was very shy!!X(
it was really great night!! ^w^

August 16, 2009

Comic-Con journey #2

First day:

I ate vegitarian meal at airplane, because I don't like meats. Fish is OK for me. So I ate mostly fish burger in the U.S.

My iPhone caught a mobile service automatically.
What a cool Phone it is!

Comic-Con give away book.
It seems 40th anniversary.
We can know Comic-Con history in a digest.

And also, it seems 25th Mutant Turtles and Usagi Yojimbo.
It was fun to see various artist's celebrating illustration.
I like this one.
Old TV show! I used to watch it!

I went to Stan Sakai's booth and bought 5 sketchbooks.
And got a sketch at my new sketchbook I bought at the place.
Thankyou Mr. Sakai!!
I love Usagi Yojimbo!!(Even I read only issue 3... I'm going to read more. ^^;)

And I came accross Joe Weatherly's booth.
He seems to make great animal paintings.
I became his fan though I've just known him at that time.
bought his sketchbook and signed.
Thankyou Mr.Weatherly!!

I'll look for his book on


I bought Secret Squirrel; Funko's figure 2009 Comic-Con limited!!!
I love the Squirrel the most, and very very happy getting new limited item at the Comic-Con.

Comic-Con journey #1

I went to San Diego Comic-Con again.

Why did I go to Comic-Con?
Hmmmm, I have no idea.
But I love American arts. Cartoons and animations.
Rather than Comic Market at Odaiba, Tokyo. ^^;
Maybe that's all reason.



Great convention! Huge structure! So many people!
The event was so fun!

My pro badge
This time I registered a professional badge as an animator.
I'm glad getting it.

And I got...
stuffs from Comic-Con
Lots of books!!